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Email Parsing and extracting important information using Deep Learning Navig8
Brief about Client The Client Navig8 Group is an experienced Ship owner and also one of the largest independent pool operator and...

After evaluating SEDGE for the use in genomics applications we believe it offers a powerful tool for big data management. It gives user...

Right mix of components and spare parts package identification for maximizing revenue -OTIS
To identify what the right mix of components and operational improvements needed to increase sales and maximize revenue for the...

Fleet Risk Mapping and Vessel Profiling
The team at SVM collaborated with a large oil tanker company and worked on the complex problem of risk profiling each vessel in real time...

SVM Used its Innovative Machine Learning Tool to Improve Vetting Inspection Outcomes
SVM Analytics, used its innovative machine learning and predictive modeling tool SEDGE to mine Teekay Tankers' Ship Management vetting...
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